The commands for vim
Useful short command for VIM
Useful short command for VIM
A platform shows some valuable content for others
All Gear Brands and Abilities
For example, if we want to migrate docker files to new location and free some space on disk.
Here is an issue with opening Linux kernel memory, so the customers need to rebuild specific version of kubelet.
Metropolitan Melbourne as a city, also known as Greater Melbourne.
When we talk about Melbourne as a city, we’re talking about metropolitan Melbourne. Also known as Greater Melbourne, metropolitan Melbourne is the geographic...
I hate that human limited by the phone.
Also I am 100% VIP of KFC. But here is the gap, my favorite sport is sleep(If we count sleep in the multiple types of sports.).
It’s like the stand up comedian.
In order to meet the pod spec, kubelet will creating the environment(infra container) for the pod and add/update/remove containers in that environment and th...
In computing, a process is the instance of a computer program that being executed by one or many threads. It contains the program code and its activity.
Namespaces are a fundamental aspect of containers on Linux.
cgroups (abbreviated from control groups) is a Linux kernel feature that limits, account for, and isolates the resource usage of a collection of processes.
I communicated to the developers of And got many resource to help me continue to learn the GNU Hurd project.
What’s mean of the Linked list’s tail pointer?
For my personal opinion, we need to use the knowledge to make effect to industry. People still limit by the energy and time.
Similar to the array, the linked list is also a linear data structure. And each element in the linked list is actually a separate object while all the object...
Discusses smart pointers that the standard library provides and the traits that enable their functionality.
Initial the project
Discusses the struct, method and associate function
All about testing, which even with Rust’s safety guarantees is necessary to ensure your program’s logic is correct
Sometimes the we need to use the shell commands to do something, in order to do the job more convenience.
The common collection data structures that the standard library provides: vectors strings hash maps
Digs into generics, traits, and lifetimes, which give you the power to define code that applies to multiple types
Rust’s module system and about privacy rules for organizing your code and its public Application Programming Interface (API)
Contains a smorgasbord of advanced topics of interest, including unsafe Rust, macros, and more about lifetimes, traits, types, functions, and closures.
Covers Rust features similar to those of other programming languages.
Chapter 4 learn about Rust’s ownership system
For example, if we want to migrate docker files to new location and free some space on disk.
Here is an issue with opening Linux kernel memory, so the customers need to rebuild specific version of kubelet.
Metropolitan Melbourne as a city, also known as Greater Melbourne.
When we talk about Melbourne as a city, we’re talking about metropolitan Melbourne. Also known as Greater Melbourne, metropolitan Melbourne is the geographic...
I hate that human limited by the phone.
Also I am 100% VIP of KFC. But here is the gap, my favorite sport is sleep(If we count sleep in the multiple types of sports.).
The Linker use in Rust cross platform like:
I’d like to try to create a tool help to install docker on any debian series operating system with Rust language. So, we need to face to the cross platform b...
The original blog from Jayconcrod-leaving-google
The original fromRakyll’s twitter
You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different wa...
This theme supports link posts, made famous by John Gruber. To use, just add link: http://url-you-want-linked to the post’s YAML front matter and you’re done.
Only one thing is impossible for God: To find any sense in any copyright law on the planet. Mark Twain
A notice displays information that explains nearby content. Often used to call attention to a particular detail.
Abbott: Strange as it may seem, they give ball players nowadays very peculiar names.
All children, except one, grow up. They soon know that they will grow up, and the way Wendy knew was this. One day when she was two years old she was playing...
This post has been updated and should show a modified date if used in a layout.
For my personal opinion, we need to use the knowledge to make effect to industry. People still limit by the energy and time.
Similar to the array, the linked list is also a linear data structure. And each element in the linked list is actually a separate object while all the object...
Discusses smart pointers that the standard library provides and the traits that enable their functionality.
Initial the project
Discusses the struct, method and associate function
All about testing, which even with Rust’s safety guarantees is necessary to ensure your program’s logic is correct
Sometimes the we need to use the shell commands to do something, in order to do the job more convenience.
The common collection data structures that the standard library provides: vectors strings hash maps
Digs into generics, traits, and lifetimes, which give you the power to define code that applies to multiple types
Rust’s module system and about privacy rules for organizing your code and its public Application Programming Interface (API)
Contains a smorgasbord of advanced topics of interest, including unsafe Rust, macros, and more about lifetimes, traits, types, functions, and closures.
Covers Rust features similar to those of other programming languages.
Chapter 4 learn about Rust’s ownership system
Availability Level The percentage of uptime in a given time period(e.g: one year or one month).
1.3.3 Comparison sorts
Analog signals Analog data takes on continuous values, measured in hertz(Hz). Varies smoothly over time like audio, video, data sampled by sensor
1.3.3 Comparison sorts
The solutions for BST series problems
Analog signals Analog data takes on continuous values, measured in hertz(Hz). Varies smoothly over time like audio, video, data sampled by sensor
Overview The digitization of analog signals involves the rounding off of the values which are approximately equal to the analog values. The method of samplin...
Open Systems Interconnection Model
DAO is an organization constructed by rules encoded as a computer program and not influenced by a central government.
FFI The Foreign Function Interface (FFI) is a feature of many programming languages that allows them to call functions and use data structures defined in ano...
FFI The Foreign Function Interface (FFI) is a feature of many programming languages that allows them to call functions and use data structures defined in ano...
FFI The Foreign Function Interface (FFI) is a feature of many programming languages that allows them to call functions and use data structures defined in ano...
Overview It is important for us to read a paper as soon as we can. So, here is a useful strategy.