List of data structures

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Data types

Primitive types

In computer science, primitive data types are a set of basic data types from which all other data types are constructed. Data types which are not primitive are referred to as derived or composite.

  • Boolean
  • Character
  • Floating-point numbers
  • Fixed-point numbers
  • Integer
  • Reference(also called a pointer or handle)
  • Enumerated type(a small set of uniquely named values)
  • Date Time

Composite types or non-primitive type

  • Array(String is an array of characters)
  • Record(structure)
  • Union(variant)

Abstract data types

  • List
  • Tuple
  • Associative array, Map
  • Multimap
  • Set
  • Multiset(bag)
  • Stack
  • Queue(Priority queue)
  • Double-ended queue
  • Graph(Tree, Heap)

Linear data structures


  • Array
  • Bitmap
  • Dynamic array
  • Hashed array tree
  • Matrix


  • Double linked list
  • Array list
  • Linked list
  • Association list


Binary trees

  • AA/AVL tree
  • Binary search tree
  • Binary tree
  • Red-black tree
  • T-tree
  • WAVL tree
  • Weight-balanced tree


  • B-tree
  • B+ tree


  • Heap
  • Binary Heap
  • B-heap
  • Fibonacci heap

Hash-based structures

  • Distributed hash table
  • Double hashing
  • Dynamic perfect hash table
  • Hash array mapped trie
  • Hash list
  • Hash table
  • Hash trie


  • Graph
  • Decision tree
    • Binary decision diagram
  • Hypergraph

