
1 minute read

Scheduling and Binary Search Trees


Binary Search Trees


Each node x in the binary tree has a key key(x). Node other than the root have a parent p(x). Nodes may have a left child left(x) and/or a right child right(x). These are pointers unlike in a heap.(rooted binary tree)
The invariant is: for any node x, for all nodes y in the left subtree of x, key(y) <=key(x). For all nodes y in the right subtree of x key(y)>=key(x).

Finding a value in the BST if it exists: find(val)

Follow left and right pointers until you find it ot hit NIL

Finding the minimum element in a BST:

Key is to just go left till you cannot go left anymore

Height of node

Length of longest downward path to a leaf


All operations are O(h) where h is heigh of the BST, the algorithm for augmentation is as follows:

  • Walk down tree to find desired node
  • Add in nodes that are smaller
  • Add in subtree sizes to the left
# It needs to be implemented with python code

Balanced BSTs

Why the binary search tree needs to be balanced?

  • BSTs support insert, delete, min, max,next-larger, next-smaller, etc. in O(h) time, where h =height of tree(= height of root)
  • h is between lg n and n
  • balanced BST maintains h =O(lg n) -> all operations run in O(lg n) time


AVL Trees

Adel’son-Vel’skii & Landis 1962


For every node, require heights of left & right children to differ by at most +1

  • treat nil tree as height -1
  • each node stores its height (DATA STRUCTURE AUGMENTATION) (like subtree size)(alternatively, can just store difference in heights)


AVL Insert

  • Insert as in simple BST
  • work your way up tree, restoring AVL property(And updating heights as you go)




Big Picture

Abstract Data Type(ADT): interface spec
Data Structure(DS): algorithm for each op

There are many possible DSs for one ADT.


