Sorting Problems

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Linear-Time Sorting Overview

  • Comparison model
  • Lower bounds in the comparison model
    • searching: binary search, AVL tree search optimal
      $$\Omega(lg n)$$
    • sorting: merge sort, heap sort, AVL sort optimal
      $$\Omega(n lg n)$$
  • O(n) sorting algorithms for small integers
    • counting sort
    • radix sort

Comparison Model of Computation

  • input items are ADTs
  • only support comparisons(<,>,<=, etc)
  • time cost =# comparisons

Decision Tree

Any comparison algorithm can be viewed/specified as a tree of all possible comparison outcomes&resulting output, for a particular n, e.g: n=3 full

Search Lower Bound

  • # leaves >= # possible answers >=n
  • decision tree is binary
  • ==> height >= \(lgn_{+-\Theta(1)}\)

Sorting Lower bound

  • leaf specifies as permutation: A[3]<=A[1]<=A[9]<=…
  • all n! are possible answer
  • # leaves >=n! ==> \(\\Omega(nlgn)\)

Linear-time Sorting

If n keys are integers, * ==> lower bounds do not apply * if $k=\mathrm{n}^{O(1)}$, can sort in O(n) time

Counting Sort

Time: \(\Theta(n+k)\); also \(\Theta(n+k)\) space image-left

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