Rebuilding specific version Kubernetes

less than 1 minute read

Here is an issue with opening Linux kernel memory, so the customers need to rebuild specific version of kubelet.


Checking out to the specific version of Kubernetes

# For example, the target version is v1.20.15
git checkout v1.20.15

Executing building command

KUBE_BUILD_PLARFORMS support different OS/architecture like OSX and GNU/Linux

# For example

The complete command can be

KUBE_GIT_VERSION=v1.20.15 ./build/ make kubelet KUBE_BUILD_PLATFORMS=linux/arm64 GOFLAGS="-tags=nokmem"

And we can find the binary under the project root folder was named _output


The command for checking for all the containers, if mem.txt is empty, kernel memory feature was already closed.

find /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/kubepods/ -name memory.kmem.slabinfo | xargs cat > /tmp/mem.txt

The command for checking specific container

cat /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/kubepods/burstable/pod<pod-uid>/<container-id>/memory.kmem.slabinfo

Checking memory.kmem.slabinfo that it does not contains Input/output error

cat: memory.kmem.slabinfo: Input/output error
