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In order to meet the pod spec, kubelet will creating the environment(infra container) for the pod and add/update/remove containers in that environment and the pod as a whole, we will call the pod environment as PodSandbox.

So, we can call it as the container level interface, and it allows kubelet to directly control the life cycles of the containers.


The features that the PodSandbox must be have:

  • GNU/Linux namespace(isolate) or the whole virtual machine and the others
  • The specific policies of the level of pod request and the limitations

The detail of the whole phase

Before the startup the container of pods, kubelet startup an infra container, and executing /pause and let the main process hold on forever, and the infra container maintaining all the namespaces of the pod. And the application containers in the pods join the network and the other namespaces to implementing the namespace sharing.

The shared environment was created by the infra container was abstract as PodSandbox, kubelet to invoke the interface(RunPod-Sandbox) of CRI can startup a PodSandbox, and to invoke CreateContainer to creating the container.

The ContainerManager interface of CRI