Linked List

1 minute read

Similar to the array, the linked list is also a linear data structure. And each element in the linked list is actually a separate object while all the objects are linked together by the reference field in each element.

There are two types of linked list: singly linked list and doubly linked list.

The skills for Linked list

  • Structure of singly linked list and doubly linked list;
  • Implement traversal, insertion, deletion in a singly or doubly linked list;
  • Analyze the complexity of different operations;
  • Two-pointer technique in the linked list;
  • Solve the classic problems such as reverse a linked list;

Singly Linked List

Each node contains not only the value but also a reference field to link to the next node.

Node Structure

We use the head node head to represent the whole list.

from typing import Any

class Node:
    def __init__(self, data: Any):
    def __repr__(self)-> str:
        return f"Node({})"


We are not able tp access a random element in a singly-linked list in constant time. If we want get the ith element, we have to traverse from the head node one by one. It takes O(N) time on average to visit an element by index, where N is the length of the linked list.


  • unlike an array, we don’t need to move all elements past the inserted element.
    • new value
    • linked the “next” field of new value to prev’s next node
    • link the “next” field in prev to the new value
  • addAtHead O(1) add a node at the beginning
    • we use the head node head to represent the whole list, so it is essential to update head when adding a new node at the beginning of the list.
    • initialize a new node cur
    • lind the new node to our original head node head
    • assign cur to head
  • addAtTail(int val) O(n) append a node as the last element of the linked list
    • we get the head node
    • iterator the linked-list to get the node in the end or the specify node(index)
    • replace the equal to the new node
  • addAtIndex(int index, int val)
    • add a node of value before the index node in the linked list. O(index-1)
    • If index equals the length of the linked list, the node will be append to the end of the linked list. O(n) n=len(linked_list)
    • If index is greater than the length, the node will not be inserted


  • delete the node cur can do it in two steps O(index)
    • find cur’s previous node prev and its next node next;
    • link prev to cur’s node next

It is easy to find out next using the reference field of cur. However, we have to traverse the linked list from the head node to find out prev which will take O(N) time on average, N is the length of the linked list.

The space complexity is O(1) because we only need constant space to store our pointers.

  • delete the first node
    • assign the next node too head
  • delete the last node
    • we get the head node
    • iterator the whole linked-list in order to get the node in the end
    • let the node ahead of the last node as the last node


  • we can implement iterator to support traverse
def __iter__(self) -> Any:
    while node:

Implement Linked-List

Single linked list

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