Rust Collection Data Structures

4 minute read

The common collection data structures that the standard library provides:

  • vectors
  • strings
  • hash maps

The collections is a data structures that can contain multiple values, these collections point to is stored on the heap which means the amount of data does not need to be known at compile time(but need to know what’s types, and the types can help Rust know how much memory on the heap will be needed to store each element) and can grow or shrink as the program runs.

These three collections that are used very often in Rust programs:

  • A vector allows you to store a variable number of values next to each other
  • A string is a collection of characters
  • A hash map allow you to associate a value with a particular key and it’s a particular implementation of the more general data structure called a map


Allow you to store more than one value in a single data structure that puts all the values next to each other in memory, and Vector can only store values of the same type, store the data on the heap.


  • realistic way to create vector Vec<T>(T is a generic type)
    • use vec! macro for convenience
  • updating a vector
    • use push method add elements to it
  • removing a vector
    • use pop method removes and return last element
  • reading elements of vectors two ways to get the element are
    • by using & and [] which gives us a reference: let third: &i32=&v[2]
    • by using the get method with the index passed as an argument,give us an Option<&T>
    match v.get(2){
        Some(third)=> println!("the third element is {}". third),
        None => println!("There is no third element."),
  • can’t have mutable and immutable references in the same scopes

If we add new element to the end of the vector, the early borrowed element from the vector will not to be use, this is because the way vectors work adding a new element onto the end of the vector might require allocating new memory and copying the old elements to the new space, if there isn’t enough room to put all the elements next to each other where the vector currently is the reference to the first element would be pointing to de-allocated memory.

using an enum to store multiple types

  • vector only can store same type values, so we can use enum to hold different values types and the all the enum variants will be considered the same type: that of the enum.


Rust’s propensity for exposing possible errors, string being a more complicated data structure than many programmers give them credit for, and UTF-8. strings are implemented as a collection of bytes.

  • What’s a String?
    • Rust has only one string type in the core language, is the string slice str that is usually seen in its borrowed from &str
    • String in Rust mean the String and the string slice &str types
    • String and string slice type and both of them are UTF-8 encoded
  • Rust’s standard library includes a number of other string types and they refer to owned and borrowed variants and can store text in different encoding or be represented in memory in a different way
    • OsString
    • OsStr
    • CString
    • CStr


  • creating a new string
    • multiple ways and only is a matter of style
    let mut s=String::new();
    // to_string method can works on on any type implements the `Display` trait
    let data="initial contents";
    let s = data.to_string();
    // Use `String::from` and the code equivalent to above
    let s =String::from("initial contents");
  • updating a string
    • + operator or format! macro to concatenate String values
  • appending to a string with push_str and push
    • push_str take an string slice
    • push take a single character
  • concatenation with the + operator or the format! Macro

+ take the fist parameter ownership and the second parameter must be type reference of the str(string slice), due to the + operator uses the add method and the method looks like.

  let s1=String::from("tic");
  let s2=String::from("link");

  let s3=s1+&s2;

  // the function that operator `+` in use
  fn add(self, s: &str) -> String {

The reason that the code can compile, We + &String type not a &str type

  • The add function can coerce the &String argument into a &str due to Rust uses a deref coercion the &String argument into a &strand that mean turns &s2 into &s2[..].
  • Add the add does not take ownership of the s parameter, s2 will still be a valid String after this operation.
  • And add takes ownership of self, because self does not have an &. So, s1 will be moved into the add call and no longer be valid after that.
  • So, s3 is looks like will copy both strings and create a new one, thr statement actually takes ownership of s1, appends a copy of the contents of s2, and then return ownership to the result.
  • It implementation is more efficient than copying.

  • format! is a Macro and does not take ownership of any of its parameters

  • Rust strings don’t support indexing e.g:s[0] (need to know how Rust stores strings in memory), because different letter encode in UTF-8 will return different length
    • (three relevant ways to look at strings from Rust’s perspective) for example नमस्ते
      • bytes
        • [224, 164, 168, 224, 164, 174, 224]
      • scalar values(char type in Rust)
      • show the word’s under u8 values and contains their diacritic ['न', 'म', 'स', '्', 'त', 'े']
        • grapheme clusters ["न", "म", "स्", "ते"]

Rust provides different ways of interpreting the raw string data that computers store so each program can choose the interpretation it needs, although indexing operations are expected to always take constant time(O(1)), but it isn’t possible to guarantee that performance with a String, because Rust would have to walk through the contents from the beginning to the index to determine how many valid characters there were.

We can use [] to create string slice

  • Methods for iterating over strings
    • by charts() return type char (scalar value)
    • by bytes() return raw type (bytes)
    • be sure to remember that valid Unicode scalar values may be made up of more than 1 byte getting grapheme clusters from strings is complex, so this functionality is not provided by the standard library, and the crates are available on

Hash map

HashMap<K, V> store a mapping of keys of type K to values of type V, and use a different name, such as hash, map, object, hash table, dictionary or associative array, just to name a few.

Creating a New Hash Map

use std::collections:HashMap;

let mut scores =HashMap::new();

scores.insert(String::from("Blue"), 10);
scores.insert(String::from("Yellow", 50));

HashMap store their data on the heap, and all the key must have the same type, and all of the value must have the same type.

Another way to constructing a hash map is by using iterators and collect method on a vector of tuples

  • zip method to create a vector of tuples
  • insert reference to values into hash map, the values won’t be moved into the hash map
use std::collections::HashMap;
let teams =vec![String::from("Blue"), String::from("Yellow")];
let initial_scores=vec![10, 50];

let mut scores: HashMap<_,_>=teams.into_iter().zip(initial_scores.into_iter()).collect();

_ is default operator can match any value


Hash Maps and Ownership

  • use insert add new elements
    • after insert the hash map will be the owner of those values
    • if insert references to values into the hash map, the values won’t be moved into the hash map, and the values’ lifetime must valid as long as the hash map
  • accessing values in a hash map
    • get returns an Option<&V>, no value will return None
  • Updating a Hash Map
    • it can replace the excited key
    • use the insert function to achieved only inserting value if the key has no value
// hash maps special API `entry` that takes the key you want to check as a parameter,return an `enum` called Entry represents a value that might or might not exist


HashMap uses a hashing function called SipHash, more security but not the fastest hashing algorithm.